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Smart Tech
+ Habitual Deposits
= High Returns

Think of DALEX SWIFT as a susu box on your phone. You drop in cash whenever you can and get much higher interests than the susu box or your savings account could give you.

How It Works

DALEX SWIFT is the investment product that gets you to enjoy investing.

Deposit Right From Your Phone

Deposits can be made via MoMo, Mastercard/VISA and cheques. Cash-out happens via MoMo or cheque and you get to watch your investment grow in real-time on your phone with your personalized app dashboard.

Safe & Secure

DALEX SWIFT is closely regulated by the Bank of Ghana and managed by trusted experts. Mr. Ken Thompson and Mr. Joe Jackson are revered thought leaders whose opinions on national finance and economic issues are highly sought after.

Happy Customers

Over the last five years, DALEX SWIFT has turned the over 130,000 mobile phones of our happy customers into active investment portals. Interest earnings and access to funds have been consistent and uninterrupted, even during the national financial crisis.”

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Kojo Nimo

Adwoa | Executive Customer Relations

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How We Make Money

Robust Business Model

DALEX SWIFT is one part of a very robust business model consisting of a much bigger Fixed Deposit Investment business and a market-leading Consumer Loans business.

Managed Risk

Investments to SWIFT and FDA are majorly disbursed as loans to high quality applicants in government employment with competitive interest charges. The Controller & Accountant General guarantees the applications. This minimizes risk significantly, which is why our loan default rate is so negligible.

High Yields

The Controller & Accountant General makes the necessary monthly deductions and sends a loan repayment cheque every month. We use the repayments to pay you and keep the business running.

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